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Christ Revealed Bible Institute is a gathering together of a very select group of individuals, specifically those who have seen in their Bibles the words, “Christ lives in your hearts through faith,” and who desire, with all their hearts, to know this Jesus alive inside of them.

You want to know the Bible for yourself, and to be satisfied in your own heart that the knowledge coming into you from Bible verses is God’s real meaning and intention.

In order to be considered for enrollment in the Biblical Studies program at Christ Revealed Bible Institute, please fill out the following registration forms. All blanks are required.

As soon as your application has been reviewed and accepted (within 3-5 business days), you will receive an email from the registrar that includes a link to the remittance page.

Once notification of payment has been received, you will be enrolled in the three courses of the first module of the Biblical Studies Program.

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Street Number and Name as well as Apt. #
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If you live in a country other than the US, please be sure the information you provide will be accepted by UPS or other similar shipping companies for delivery to your door.
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Please provide schools you attended, programs of study, and degrees received.
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Please share with us your reasons for desiring to enroll in the Biblical Studies program at CRBI as well as a testimony of your present relationship with the Lord Jesus. Feel free to write your letter elsewhere, and then copy and past it into this box.